Pushkin Day in Russia

понедельник 6 июня 2022, 14:34


Russian Language Day is celebrated in Russia and all over the world on June 6, the birthday of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin. The holiday was established by the UN in 2010. Similarly, the birthdays of Shakespeare and Cervantes are days of English and Spanish. Pushkin's style is recognized as a canon of classical Russian literature and has raised the value of a simple Russian word and poetic syllable.

Russian is the official language of the Russian Federation. All official documents of the country and educational institutions use it. It is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. It unites all Russian-speaking population of the earth, and for 200 million people Russian is the native language.

Russian Language Day is a great cultural event in Russia. Many activities are held on this holiday: ceremonial meetings, conferences, symposiums, open readings, performances by musicians, presentations of works by novice writers.
The Ural Federal University Library invites everyone to get acquainted with Pushkin's works, as well as with a large collection of books on linguistics in Russian and foreign languages (you can check their availability in the library's electronic catalog). The public page Ural Federal University Library on VKontakte posted a compilation of items devoted to the Pushkin Day in Russia.

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