Ural Federal University Library Presents the Age of Peter the Great Reforms

четверг 9 июня 2022, 16:04


In 2022 Russia celebrates the 350th anniversary of the birth of the first Russian Emperor – Peter Alekseyevich Romanov. He was called the Great already during his lifetime –for his tall height, heroic strength, and his great deeds.

To mark this significant date UrFU Library welcomes to visit the exhibition “Great Tsar – Great Deeds”, dedicated to the biography of the Russian reformer, the most important events of his life, the state transformations of the period of his reign. The exposition presents books in Russian and foreign languages.

Peter the Great’s life was so complicated that it is being researched by many historians up to this day. Peter I was the first ruler in Russian history to travel a lot and study different crafts in Europe. Other countries’ achievements inspired him to initiate Russia’s modernization. The Emperor’s reforms covered every aspect of Russian people’s lives. The regular Army and Navy were created, and the first iron-and-steel works were built during his reign. One of the most important merits of Peter I was the building of Saint Petersburg – the main port and later the capital of Russia. During Peter’s reign, Russian Empire acquired control of the Baltic Sea and established the shortest trade route to Europe.

Peter the Great’s name is associated not only with political and economic reforms but also with cultural and educational ones. He made theater available for public, established the country's first museum and library, printed newspaper and publishing houses, the first military and vocational schools, and founded the Academy of Sciences. Caring for the population, Peter sought to improve its education…

The exhibition is held on the Circulation Desk of Liberal Arts & Humanities (4 Turgeneva St., room 252) until July 11.

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