Travelling the Home of Yoga through the Eyes of a Photographer

вторник 21 июня 2022, 14:52

Travelling the Home of Yoga through the Eyes of a Photographer

The International Day of Yoga is Celebrated all over the World on the Longest Day of the Year.

The day of all people engaging in the ancient practice of self-mastery both professionally and as amateurs was introduced by the UN General Assembly and is celebrated annually on June 21. This event is meant to unite thousands of people pursuing the common aim of acquiring physical and mental health; those for whom Yoga has been a part of everyday life for a long while. Yoga traditions are particularly powerful in its historical homeland, a country that is still perceived as mysterious and incredible by the majority of European and Russian population. This country is India.

That is why the International Day of Yoga is the most appropriate time to take a look at the photographic exhibition called “Blessed India” that is held in the University Library. The photographs on display were taken by Subhankar Paul Seraphim, a native of India, which is the Home of Yoga. Paul’s works give an exceptional view of the simple and beautiful life of people, of the country endowed with rich history and traditions. India is in his impression an enormous world, diverse and ambiguous, but for all that even more attractive. Numerous landscapes, portraits and scenes from Indian life; the unique oriental atmosphere of ancient temples and sacred places were captured through the photographer’s lens.

The photographs are displayed in the exhibition area «Stena» («The Wall») at 48 Kuybysheva St and will be on show till the end of summer. Everyone interested is welcome!

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