The International Chess day: the origins and traditions

среда 20 июля 2022, 14:05

the origins and traditions

The International Chess day is celebrated on the 20 of July, the day the International Chess Federation (FIDE, Federation Internationale des Echecs) was founded in 1924. The holiday has been celebrated on the initiative of UNESCO since 1966.

Chess is the great invention of mankind which has been touching the hearts of millions of people. This game is recognized as legitimate sport developed in more than 190 countries. Anyone can play chess breaking the barriers of language, age, gender, physical abilities, and social status.

The Chess day is a perfect opportunity to study the game or to introduce it to people around you. On this day chess clubs and associations organize festive events to which both potential players and ordinary citizens including children are invited. Open workshops, exhibition games and tournaments between the guests and professional players are held.

The Ural Federal University Library congratulates chess lovers and experts with the International Chess Day and welcomes you to learn about the most interesting publications devoted to this wise game. The selection is presented on the public page VKontakte.

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