Happy birthday to the World Wide Web

суббота 1 октября 2022, 13:09

Happy birthday to the World Wide Web

The celebration dedicated to the Internet was almost proclaimed internationally a couple of times. But none of the proposed dates became a tradition, even though each of them has its own followers. In Russia the Internet Day is celebrated annually since 1998 on September 30. At that time there were only around one million users of the World Wide Web around the world. Since then the Internet became a very important and integral part of our lives, it is used by 62,5% of world’s population which is almost 5 billion of users.

Do you know how many days old the Internet is? The duration and chronology of life of the World Wide Web can be found out on the website howoldistheinter.net which has a timer counting the days. On the 1st of September it turned 12226 days old.

To learn more about the history of the Internet technologies you can read the following books from the library collection:

- Chubarova O. E. Meeting.ru. Communicating through the Internet: language development textbook for foreigners
- Shorohov A. Elon Musk: A Crazy Genius
- Ovchinnikova L. O. Internet-based communication. Letters and short messages: language development textbook

You can check the books’ availability in circulation desks and reading rooms in the Library Electronic Catalogue. The range of publications expands when you use the Electronic Library Systems the access to which is open for students of the Ural Federal University. For people who want to keep up with the new events in the sphere of IT and the Internet the library provides subscription to electronic magazines in EastView database and Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU. Information about library resources and services and ways to access them can be found on the library website.

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