Library Winning Awards in the V Ural Interregional Contest “University Book-2022”. Our Congratulations!

среда 26 октября 2022, 15:32


Library received special diploma of “Universitetskaya Kniga” (“University Book”) journal for a brilliant organization of the 6th contest of universities’ publications held on the sites of Ural Federal University.

Diploma in the nomination «The best reference edition” was awarded to the book prepared by the Library specialists: “The Library of the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo (Alexander) Lyceum in Ekaterinburg. V. 2. West European Editions Published before 1800. From the Collection of the Department of Rare Books of Ural Federal University Library. Part 2. I-Z”.

The books presented in the contest include textbooks in English in some technical and humanitarian disciplines studied at the University.

We express our gratitude to all the University specialists taking part in preparing and holding the contest.

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