Celebrate Nobel Prize Awards with UrFU Library

пятница 9 декабря 2022, 14:23

Celebrate Nobel Prize Awards with UrFU Library

In view of forthcoming Nobel Prize Ceremonies, UrFU Library is pleased to present the items devoted to individual laureates, their innovations and, certainly, the famous “Nobel Prize” encyclopedia.

For the first time published in Russian, Nobel Lectures provide insight into the Laureates’ lives and their researches as well as into history of the world’s scientific thought. The encyclopedia will broaden your horizon and allow you diving into the primary source feeling like a co-author of the greatest minds.

It is in open access in the following departments:
- Information Centre of Library Resources (19 Mira St., room Б-202)
- Reading Room of Scientific Technics & Engineering (19 Mira St., room Б-301)
- Reading Room of Liberal Arts & Humanities (19 Mira St., room Б-203).

The Nobel Prizes are heritage of Alfred Nobel, the famous Swedish scientist, chemist, engineer, and industrialist mostly known for the invention of dynamite.

On 27 November 1895 Nobel signed his will according to which prizes be created in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace for the preceding year, regardless nationality, as Nobel himself highlighted.

On 29 June 1900 the Nobel Foundation was founded. This date is considered the birthday of the Nobel Prize.

Since 1901 the Prize Award Ceremony is held on the same day - 10 December, the anniversary of Nobel's death.

As late as 1969 the Prize in Economic Sciences was established.

There are many outstanding world-known figures among Nobel Laureates. Some of them will be featured in the series posted in “UrFU Library” VK group.Today we are going to focus on the Russian Nobel Laureates in the field of physics and chemistry.

A remarkable fact: already the first ceremony was marked with a scandal. The Literature Prize awarded to the French poet Sully Prudhomme was heavily criticized. Many writers believed that the Russian author Lev Tolstoy should have been awarded the prize. However, their protest was ignored.

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