Waiting for a miracle: foreign books about Christmas

суббота 24 декабря 2022, 14:37

foreign books about Christmas

On the 24th of December Christmas is celebrated in many countries around the world. To feel the spirit of this important holiday Ural Federal University Library welcomes readers to get acquainted with the Christmas and winter themed books that could be found in foreign languages.

We hold both timeless classics (such as probably the most popular Christmas book of all time “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens) and more modern books like “Let it snow: three holiday romances” by a whole collective of authors including a bestselling one, John Green.

Alongside fiction there are also books and magazines dedicated to culture and folklore. The prime examples of those are “Noël en France” by I. F. Michin and special issues of “La Langue Française” which elaborate on French traditions of celebrating Christmas.

Besides prose, Library also offers Christmas poems and songs in English and German languages. “Deutsche feste und bräuche” contains both song lyrics and sheet music to traditional German songs. And “The Oxford book of Christmas poems” in its turn is full of modern English poetry about this magical festivity.

To read more Christmas books visit the Circulation Desk of Foreign literature (4 Turgeneva st., room 356).

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