What Do We Know about Swamps?

четверг 2 февраля 2023, 13:40

What Do We Know about Swamps?

Did you know that swamp is not only about mosquitos, leeches, dirt, quagmire, evaporation and bad smell? Actually it is a place where valuable food, honey-bearing, tanning and medicinal plants grow.

World Wetlands Day is yearly celebrated on the 2nd of February. On that day the Ramsar Convention was signed in the city with the same name. It was created mostly to protect the habitat of waterfowls of international importance (Convention). In the present days the Convention unites 172 countries, Russian Federation has ratified it in 1977.

International obligations impose a certain imprint on the sphere of nature protection and environmental protection of each country, including Russia, many decrees and laws of which are adopted taking into account these obligations.

In 2023 the celebration will be held under the motto «Remediation of Marshes». All wetlands are complex ecological systems that react sensitively to any human impact. Careful attitude towards swamps will create a reliable system of protection of freshwater resources, biological and landscape diversity and is a serious contribution to ensuring the sustainability of the planet's ecosystems.

The Library reminds you that you can get acquainted with texts of international, regulatory and technical documents through the informational system Techexpert (Техэксперт) accessible within the University network. You might find these documents interesting while researching this theme:

Strategy for the conservation of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and mushrooms;
Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the joint use and Protection of Transboundary Water Bodies.

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Text by: M. Antonova
Translation by: K. Khudyshkina

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