The Library Tells about Book Anniversaries 2023

пятница 3 февраля 2023, 14:34

The Library Tells about Book Anniversaries 2023

We do not always think about the time of a book creation. However, every book has its birthday just like humans do. It gives a wonderful opportunity to remember your favourite book, find it and spend your time delightfully!

The Circulation Desk of Foreign Literature (4 Turgeneva St., auditorium 356) presents to the readers' attention an exhibition «Book Anniversaries 2023». The exposition demonstrates books in different languages including English, German, Spanish and French. All year round anniversary books will be displayed in a separate glass case and available for the readers who are keen for learning foreign languages.

Being at the top of the anniversary books list, the New York Times bestseller «The Da Vinci Code» by Dan Brown is also the youngest one– it is only 20. The internationally acclaimed masterpiece «Pride and Prejudice» by Jane Austen is 210, and a short stories collection «Decameron» by Giovanni Boccaccio turned as much as 670 years old! The exhibition also contains books which used to bring us the joy of childhood. Among those – fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen «The Nightingale» and «The Ugly Duckling». It has been 180 years since they were first published. While Robert Lewis Stevenson’s adventure novel «Treasure Island» was written 140 years ago. Besides the fiction literature you can also get acquainted with philosophical works by such eminent thinkers as Niccolo Machiavelli and Herman Hesse. Treatise «The Prince» celebrates its 510th anniversary, and 80 years have passed since the novel «The Glass Bead Game» was published.

In the rubric #bookanniversaries@bibcluburfu (#книжныеюбилеи@bibcluburfu) the library will continue introducing you the books celebrating their anniversaries this year. Follow the news on our VKontakte public page «The Ural Federal University Library».

Text by: E. Solovyeva
Translation by: K. Khudyshkina

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