We invite you to attend the Science Days in UrFU Library!

понедельник 6 февраля 2023, 15:44

We invite you to attend the Science Days in UrFU Library!

In celebration of the Russian Science Day, UrFU Library have prepared a new program of sessions, public lectures, academic seminars, thematic exhibitions.

A separate seminar will be held in English for international students, master students and post-graduates on February 15, from 2 pm to 4 pm. Address: 19 Mira St., room Б-202.

Topics: Information potential of the University Library; Bibliography of an academic paper for international students. Overview of the University and Library resources and services is targeted at facilitating your educational and research activities.

The program of activities and registration form are uploaded on the Library site. After registration you will have possibility to join the events online.

Those who will attend the seminar in person will receive electronic certificates.

Participation is free, each event requires personal registration. Link to the live stream will be emailed after registration.


Text&translation by:
N.L. Krasnogor

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