Become a guide with Ural Federal University

вторник 21 февраля 2023, 16:10

Become a guide with Ural Federal University

International Tourist Guide Day, which is celebrated by the world community on February 21, was established by the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations (WFTGA) in 1985. At the moment, the organization has over two million members from more than seventy countries around the world.

Travel has become an important part of the lifestyle of modern people who want to get impressions and spend their free time usefully. If earlier the excursion could be compared with a lecture at a university or with reading a historical book, now the excursion is considered as leisure with elements of entertainment and education, the format of working with the audience is changing, and the image of a modern guide is changing.

Where do they learn this profession? What qualities should a modern guide have? Books from the Ural Federal University Library collection will tell about this and much more. Especially for the International Tourist Guide Day, the Library has prepared a selection of author's monographs and textbooks, which present the theoretical and practical features of the guide's work. The selection is available in the Library VK group.

You can get additional education in the profession of a guide at the Ural Federal University within the framework of the School of Guides. It is taught by specialists with a PhD in History, who are also part-time practicing guides.

You can try yourself as a guide thanks to the huge number of opportunities of the University and Library!

Author of the text: E.S. Sorokina
Translation of the text: O.S. Mukhina

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