In Assistance to Teachers and Mentors

пятница 17 марта 2023, 13:45

In Assistance to Teachers and Mentors

In Russia 2023 was declared the Year of Teachers and Mentors, and because of that the Circulation Desk of Foreign Literature (4 Turgeneva St., auditorium 356) has prepared an exhibition «In Assistance to Teachers and Mentors».

Pedagogy will always be considered one of the most demanded sciences. The profession of a teacher is linked with great responsibility and attention. Probably everyone has met a teacher at school or a professor at the university who influenced forming of personality, turned out nearby, and picked up the right words in the time of need.

The organization of the learning process also falls on the shoulders of teachers, professors and mentors. For an effective educational activity, they need methodology, examples and teaching methods. The new exhibition in our Library is addressed to both beginners and experienced teachers, as well as to anyone who is interested in pedagogy as a science. You can find books about teaching foreign languages, textbooks with developed tests and tasks, monographs treating coordination of learning in a situation of intercultural communication, and also some fictional books depicting the experience of being a teacher.

The exhibition will be available until the 5th of May 2023.

Author: Solovyeva E.A.
Translator: Khudyshkina K.V.

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