French Language Day in UrFU Library

понедельник 20 марта 2023, 14:52


On the 20th of March Francophonie Day is celebrated all over the world. The celebration is dedicated to the signing of the Niamey Convention on the establishment of the international organization, the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation (ACTS). The document was signed by 84 French–speaking countries on the 20th of March of 1970. The scope of the organization's activity includes spread and popularization of French culture.

French language (la langue française) is the official language in France, as well as one of the main languages of the population of Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, African countries, Caribbean States and some territories of South America. French is included as one of the official languages of the UN and UNESCO.

French belongs to the Indo-European language family. It originated from Vulgar Latin, and its writing is Latin-based. Unlike other Romance languages, such as Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, French is the most distant from their common roots.

It is interesting to mention that in Russia the French language became most widely used in the XVIII century. Good command of it indicated the highest level of education of the nobility representatives. History records this period as the heyday of Francophilia (the fashion for everything French). The language was used both at court, and in diplomatic and private correspondence.

In addition, the enlightenment philosopher Voltaire, the representatives of the philosophy of existentialism – Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus, the sentimentalist Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the novelist and writer Marcel Proust, et al. were all writing in French. In the Ural Federal University Library you can get acquainted with their works both in the original language and translated into Russian. You can check their availability in the Library Catalogue.

Author: Solovyeva E.A., Khudyshkina K.V.
Translator: Khudyshkina K.V.

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