Mikhail Levit: Love for Jerusalem Through a Photographer’s Lens

среда 22 марта 2023, 13:35


A new exhibition of Mikhail Levit’s photographs has opened in the University Library. The works of the well-known Soviet-born Israeli photographer reflect his profound love for Jerusalem, this miraculous site on the world map. Portraits of citizens and visitors are accompanied by works of a poet from Ekaterinburg, Rina Levinsohn.

The artist depicts the faces of local people with their deep and soulful eyes looking blank at times. As he admits to it himself, these depictions are closest to his heart. The camera captures emotions of people in the streets and squares of the "City of Peace" in a sincere but delicate manner. Being perceptively observant and sympathetically contemplative Mikhail Levit manages to grasp the invisible movements of a human soul. Attired in verses of the modern poet these movements turn into animated, tremulant speech.

Rina Levinsohn has always remained faithful to her calling of poetry-writing which was born of Russian and Jewish traditions and absorbed their best traits. Her poetry presents Jerusalem as a city for all; a place where the presence of God is almost visible, and everyone can feel it.

The exposition entitled “Photographer Mikhail Levit. Jerusalem. Street-portrait” is displayed in the exhibition area «Stena» («The Wall») at 48 Kuybysheva St. It will be on show till the end of summer. Everyone interested is welcome!

Author: Polovinko E.G.
Translator: Beklemysheva V.P.

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