Festival is Waiting for Volunteers

вторник 28 марта 2023, 17:20

Festival is Waiting for Volunteers

In August 2023 the capital of the Urals will host University International Sports Festival with participation of the teams from the BRICS, SCO and CIS member states. This event was established after the cancellation of the 2023 Summer World University Games in Yekaterinburg by the decision of the International University Sports Federation (FISU).

Athletes from 246 universities from 94 countries of the world, including 23 Russia’s uni-versities, will contest for 193 medal events across 14 sports. No less than 6,000 volunteers are expected to be recruited.

Ural Federal University is well-known for its developed volunteer movement. “Volunteers always participate in significant events. Implementing major tasks, they play the key roles in communicating with the guests”, ¬ the Deputy Governor Pavel Krekov emphasized the importance of volunteers’ activities at the recent meeting with the University students.

The story of the Volunteer Centre of Ural Federal University “Volunteers of the Urals” goes back to 2011. Participation of the University in the United Games by the Special Olympics rules (competitions for people with intellectual disabilities took place from 21 to 27 January in Kazan) should be particularly highlighted. The volunteers helped mass media representatives, accompanied athletes to the start, supplied sports equipment and greeted the fans in the stands.

The Library collection includes a considerable number of books inspiring people striving for mercy and humanism. You can check availability of the sources and researches in history, theory and practice of volunteer activity in the Library Catalogue and borrow them.

Anyone can become a volunteer. It is enough to register on https://volural.ru/ and sub-mit an application for an event you are interested in. Festival is waiting for you!

Author: Konoplyova O.V.
Translator: Krasnogor N.L.

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