Poetry for Сhildren

понедельник 3 апреля 2023, 15:07

Poetry for Сhildren

The International Children’s Book Day is celebrated on Hans Christian Andersen’s birthday on the 2nd of April.

Traditionally, the Circulation Desk of Liberal Arts & Humanities (4 Turgeneva St., room 252) presents an exhibition of children’s works dedicated to the International Children's Book Day. The exposition will introduce you to your favorite fairy tales, short stories and collections of poems having become classics of Russian and foreign literature for children and teenagers.

Books are very important for the personal development and appear in people’s lives at the early age. Usually the introduction to books starts with simple poetry and songs. Poems for children are known for their rhythmic structure and content. They are full of lyricism and elements of tall tales with humor. They contain a wide range of lexical means of expression. The usage of synonyms, epithets and comparisons makes the text more expressive. A child intuitively absorbs these images and rules of the phonetic text organization.

In Russian tradition for preschool and primary school these are «Bear» («Mishka») and «Bunny» («Zayka») by Agniya Barto, «Uncle Styopa» («Dyadya Styopa») by Sergey Mikhalkov, «Wash ‘Em Clean» («Moydodyr»), «Buzzy-Wuzzy» («Mukha-tsokotukha») by Korney Chukovsky, «The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish» («Skazka o Rybake I Rybke») by Alexander Pushkin, «Harmful Advices» («Vredny Sovety») by Grigory Oster, and many others.

English children poetry is also widely popular, in particular, «Robin Bobbin», «Humpty Dumpty» and nonsensical poems of Edward Lear. In his works, Lewis Carroll also often used poetry. Both of the fairytales about Alice start and end with poems creating thus an unsurpassed atmosphere of the English fairytale.

The texts of children’s poems are a unique national and cultural phenomenon. Printed books from the compilation are present in the library collection. You can check their availability in the Library Catalogue. Audio and electronic versions of these works can be accessed in the Electronic Library System «University Library ONLINE».

Author: I.G. Antropova
Translator: K.V. Khudyshkina

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