The Art of Vital Truth

среда 12 апреля 2023, 16:25


Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky was a great Russian playwright and realist writer, founder of the national theater, born on March 31 (April 12 in Old Style) 1823. His socio-cultural reconstruction of Russian traditions in historical drama remains relevant to this day. His plays depict the peculiarities of the worldview of Russian people, the peculiarities of the social structure, way of life, and customs of society. For 200 years, his fame has not faded, and his works are studied in modern schools.

As a translator, Ostrovsky is not well known, although translation played an important role in his work in connection with the problem of translated repertoire for the theater. Among his many translations from English, French, and Spanish, the translations of Italian drama by Carlo Goldoni's The Coffee House, Niccolò Machiavelli's The Mandrake, Italo Franchi L'origine di un gran banchiere o un milione pagabile a vista (Ostrovsky entitled the translation The Great Banker), and Paolo Giacometti's The Family of the Criminal are particularly noteworthy and influenced the writer's work. According to literary critics Nikolai Tomasevsky and Valentin Malikov, “Truly loving everything Russian, the playwright sought to enrich the theater with foreign culture, whatever its national origin might be.”

For the writer's anniversary, an exhibition opened at the library (4 Turgeneva Street, Room 252), which represents a kaleidoscope of scientific and artistic publications dedicated to the life and work of the playwright. The exposition includes his works and personal letters, critical essays, and memoirs about him, theater and biographical articles, both modern periodicals and earlier ones, such as the Otechestvennye Zapiski of 1869, in the first issue of which Ostrovsky's new play Hot Heart was published.

The exhibition will run until the end of April.

Author: I.G. Antropova, Y.V. Sapsa
Translator: O.S. Mukhina

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