«Accessible Science» («Доступная наука»): Ten Years in Contact with Reader

понедельник 29 мая 2023, 13:28


Modern Library seeks for attracting Modern Reader who has many accounts in different social media being rather eager for virtual communication than for live one. To speak as equals, the problem of Library’s launching the Internet became urgent in early 2010s. This time proved to be a true boom in various library blogs and social networks pages.

UrFU Library could not escape this trend.

It was decided to start a group in the social network «VKontakte» as the most popular in Russia. We faced a dilemma of what target audience to choose: all kinds of users (as many libraries did) or to limit to the category of young researchers including post-graduates, master students, faculty and staff. As University Library aimed at promoting electronic and traditional resources and services to improve the quality of research papers, young researchers took priority. It should be noted, that we were clearly aware that we would not have many followers. Thus, May 27, 2013 became the birthday of the Library VK pioneer-group «Доступная наука» («Accessible Science»). Symbolically, this date is the All-Russian Library Day.

The first jubilee is a reason for summarizing the first results. Over the decade some transformations have taken place under the impact of user’s needs and the challenges of the time. Thus, we posted tasks for the course in «The Methodology of Academic Research» for post-graduates. Online services («Interlibrary Loan» and «Retrospective Retrieval»), posts in English, new headings and formats appeared. Post-graduates, master students and faculty continue to be our main followers, nevertheless, we attract bachelors too. Firstly, they are potential future researchers; secondly, from the first year a student should master the skills of searching relevant scientific information and correct compiling a bibliography on the requirements of national standards. And this means, dear bachelors and specialist degree students, we have the guides for you!

Today we have around 3,400 followers. Naturally, ten years is a very young age. We believe that a lot of glorious deeds and amazing discoveries are waiting our group. We are grateful to our devoted followers, hope for new ones, and are sure that it is our fruitful contact that will help to reach our VK group its full potential as an adult.

N.L. Krasnogor

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