Panorama of Yekaterinburg from a Height of 186 Meters

среда 20 сентября 2023, 13:26


Almost every major city has a high-rise building or an observation platform on a hill – a landmark that attracts tourists regardless of the purpose of their trip. As part of the Walking around Yekaterinburg with the Library series, we are heading towards a point that, like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, is visible from almost anywhere – the Vysotsky Business Center. The skyscraper got its name not only in honor of the famous Soviet poet and actor but also thanks to its record-breaking height of over 186 meters (wordplay: “Vysotsky” comes from the word “high”).

The open observation deck is located on the 52nd floor of the building. It is enclosed with ultra-strong glass, allowing visitors to feel safe while enjoying the city views. The deck is divided into designated areas – north, south, west, east – and on each wall of the building, you can explore a map of landmarks and listen to an audio guide.

The Vysotsky Business Center also houses the V.S. Vysotsky Museum. The exhibition includes his personal belongings, a restored hotel room where the poet stayed during his tours in Yekaterinburg, and the most valuable exhibit – his last poems dedicated to the French actress of Russian origin, Marina Vlady – Vysotsky's muse.

We recommend joining the VK group to stay updated on the opening of new exhibitions or the annual event – Vladimir Vysotsky's birthday. And to better understand the significance of the main Yekaterinburg skyscraper, we suggest reading Novikov's book about Vysotsky from the series The Lives of Remarkable People. You can borrow the book from our library, and you can check its availability in the electronic catalog.

Furthermore, in addition to being known as the third capital of Russia, Yekaterinburg has also earned the title of “the city of skyscrapers.” For example, take a look at architectural creations such as Brigantina (a ship-shaped building with a visible deck, three masts, and a bow), Aurora (a round building with colorful panels on the facade), Summit, Malevich, or Kamenny Ruchey.

Author and translator: Olga Mukhina

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