Happy Birthday, Beloved University!

четверг 19 октября 2023, 14:11

Happy Birthday, Beloved University!

On October 19, Ural Federal University celebrates its 103rd birthday.

Today, the University is one of the largest federal universities in the country (currently educating over 35,000 students). It ranks 10th among the best higher education institutions in Russia and is among the top 1,000 universities worldwide. In addition to educational activities, our students actively engage in scientific research. The University hosts numerous research schools, such as the scientific-historical school dedicated to the history of Byzantium, which is one of the leading Byzantine studies schools in Russia, based at the Ural Institute of Humanities, a part of Ural Federal University.

Ural Federal University was formed more than ten years ago through the merger of two major universities in Yekaterinburg – the technical and classical universities.

The classical university was named after the Russian writer and publicist Maxim Gorky, who played an active role in the organization and establishment of Ural University back in 1920. Interestingly, Maxim Gorky was a pen name for the writer whose real name was Alexei Maximovich Peshkov. This year, the country celebrated the 155th anniversary of the writer's birth.

Maxim Gorky was the most published Soviet writer in the homeland, with a total circulation of his books exceeding 242,5 million copies over nearly 70 years. If you want to explore the works of this great writer, we recommend starting with his play The Lower Depths. Many Russian and foreign writers and other artists were inspired by this work. Akira Kurosawa, a world-class director, was one of those who found inspiration in Russian literature and specifically in Gorky, which led to the release of the film The Lower Depths based on Gorky's play in 1957. In the Library, you can acquaint yourself with both the works of the writer himself and numerous studies about him. You can check their availability in the circulation desks, reading rooms, and information centers using the electronic catalog.

Today, the Library congratulates undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate students, faculty and staff, and everyone who has glorified and continues to glorify our home University. Together, we preserve its traditions and build the future.

Author: Dmitry Sysoyev
Translator: Olga Mukhina

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