Renew a book online in UrFU Library!

понедельник 19 февраля 2024, 16:00

Renew a book online in UrFU Library!

Until March 1 Library users must return or renew all the books taken earlier. This is necessary to avoid paying fine for an overdue item in accordance with the Library Rules and Regulations. We offer convenient special online service in our VK group.

It will take a few minutes to specify in the request form your bar code from a student ID, your surname, first name and patronymic (if you have it), email for feedback and information on the book to be renewed.

To renew several items only one request form is filled in. To process it will take only 1-2 working days. Notification of renewal will be emailed to you.

Check your Spam folder if you have not received our response letter.

Text: Ekaterina Dmitrieva
Translation: Natalia Krasnogor

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