Welcome to the fantastic world of the Russian language

понедельник 18 марта 2024, 14:49


Ural federal university is one of the leading universities in Russia with a 103-year history. International students have been studying here since 1940-s. The teaching staff has accumulated perfect experience in preparing international specialists. Among many professional programs in scientific fields of study, there is an important discipline “Russian as a foreign language”. Today there are several bachelor’s degree programs in Russian, and a special master’s degree program. Besides, there are programs taught only in Russian, which requires a good master of it.

Certainly, the approaches of teaching “the great and mighty Russian” to international students essentially differ from those of teaching Russian as a native language. So specific textbooks compiled specially for this category of learners must be used.

Library collection contains a great variety of special textbooks covering such fields of linguistics as communication, lexicology, grammar, phonetics, stylistics, theory of translation, etc. First of all, these are general elementary, basic courses for beginners, no matter their native language is, as well as advanced ones.

In Mira street you can borrow such books at the Circulation desks of social & economic study materials and of techniques & engineering. A varied collection is also kept at the Circulation desk of humanities in Turgeneva street. The librarians will immediately give you the most popular and recommended books. You can check these items in the Library catalog.

The second source is electronic library systems also containing wide range of materials in Russian as a foreign language: general textbooks, elementary, basic courses, specialized courses in grammar, phonetics, lexicology, various dictionaries: bilingual, subject (Russian-Chinese, Russian-Arabic, etc.).

There are also textbooks compiled specially for students whose native language is, for example, Chinese, Spanish, or even Japanese.

We’d like to focus on a modern linguistics trend named “Content and language learning” comprising both learning content subject such as physics or chemistry through the medium of a foreign language (Russian in our case) and learning this foreign language by studying a content-based subject. Such parallel learning acquaints you with all the peculiarities of Russian language.

Advanced level of a language learning is for post graduates, for example, who are going to write a thesis or some other academic papers. These items dwell with academic writing, academic style, basics of academic research, etc.

And definitely, we should not forget about fiction, since it is just fiction that helps you studying the unique flavour of grammar, phraseology, lexicology, communication features of any language, either native of foreign one. Library collection and electronic library systems contain a great number of works by the Russian outstanding writers and poets.

Come to the Library, speaking with us gives you a good practice!

Author&Translator: N.L. Krasnogor

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