The 200th anniversary of the play «Woe from Wit»

пятница 29 марта 2024, 13:40


2024 is a 200 years’ jubilee of worldwide famous comedy, Russian literature masterpiece “Woe from wit” of Alexander Sergeyevich Griboyedov.

Alexander Sergeyevich Griboyedov was a Russian novelist, playwright, and also diplomat. He wrote not too much plays, however «Woe from wit» made a true splash in society, because the author mentioned quite delicate topics. First of all, Griboyedov included a satire on Moscow aristocratic society, denounced servility and showed the new-type nobleman.

Irrespective of the fact that the comedy was written 200 years ago, problems described in it are important and topical today as well. There are three conflicts developing the plot: personal, ideological and world outlook. The novel is relevant nowadays precisely because of them.

Curious fact: the comedy «Woe from wit » was translated more than 90 times on 25 languages!

There is a book exhibition on Liberal Arts & Humanities Circulation Desk (4 Turgeneva Street, Room 252) which shows diverse years’ editions and books dedicated to Griboyedov and his works. Also you can get acquainted with pre-revolution edition of «Woe from wit» in the Department of Rare Books. The edition was published in 1875!

Author: Elizaveta Kislitsyna
Translator: Alina Karamova

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