The World Rock ‘n’ Roll Day

суббота 13 апреля 2024, 14:17


The World Rock ‘n’ Roll Day is celebrated annually on 13th April all over the world. However, the release of Bill Haley’s notable hit single “Rock Around The Clock” that served as the historic basis for the festival took place a day earlier. Rock ‘n’ Roll became one of the most popular music genres of the XXth century. It gave rise to new subgenres and new stars including Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and many others. One way or another, every rock band was beginning its career with rock ‘n’ roll and paying tribute to this music genre.

Rock ‘n’ Roll was not alien to the USSR, where it appeared in the 1960s. Many associate the arrival of this music genre in the USSR with the release of “With the Beatles” album. Those were the years when Beatlemania started in the Soviet Union, rock ‘n’ roll was all that people were talking about.

Many soviet rock bands began with performing their favourite songs of foreign singers. It was the very music that inspired those ensembles to create their own author songs. It is worth mentioning the Sverdlovsk rock club which included scores of various music bands. The club became one of the rock music advocates in the USSR leading to the occurrence of such bands as Nautilus Pompilius, Chaif, Agatha Christie, Smyslovye Galutzinatzii, Chicherina and others. In 2023 an artwork devoted to the Sverdlovsk rock club appeared in the very centre of Yekaterinburg in the underground walkway at Plotinka. It is called “This music will be eternal”. The walls and the ceiling of the walkway are covered with images of musicians, song themes and popular quotes of theirs.

In the Ural Federal University Library the readers can get acquainted with books devoted to rock ‘n’ roll, among which biographies of famous singers and music ensembles – such as Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry, Rolling Stones and Aquarium – are of particular interest. One can also study writings devoted to rock music and discover new bands and subgenres. To check the availability of books one is concerned with the library catalogue may be of help.

Author: Dmitry Sysoyev
Translator: Valery Beklemysheva

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