The Bazhov Monument on Plotinka

вторник 14 мая 2024, 13:05



Library continues to introduce you to interesting books dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Sverdlovsk oblast.

We asked the students being in March in translation practice in the Library to tell about their favourite places in Sverdlovsk oblast and recommend books about these places.

Today we want to present you a book “P. P. Bazhov and workers’ folklore” reviewed by 2nd-year student of Linguistics Alexandra Sergeyeva.

Life and work of Pavel Bazhov are closely connected with Yekaterinburg, the city where the author spent over 60 years of his life. The first monument in Yekaterinburg dedicated to the famous Ural writer and folklorist was unveiled on March 11, 1958, in the Historical Square of the city. The bust itself is made of bronze, while the pedestal is made of red granite.

From the embankment where the monument is located, there is a magnificent view of Plotinka, as the locals call the dam of the urban pond on the Iset River. The location of the monument was chosen very successfully: a famous Ural folklorist can witness a multitude of different stories, important events in the city life, as various events and festivals take place here, on Plotinka. And on warm summer evenings, local residents and city guests enjoy leisurely walking here. Thus, everyone who decides to walk along the embankment or sit down and admire the beautiful view will definitely be able to see the monument. Seeing it, one might unintentionally remember the famous Ural writer, whose stories most likely influenced – and will continue to influence – more than one generation.

The book by V. V. Blazhes “P. P. Bazhov and workers’ folklore” was written as a textbook for a special course for students of the philological faculty. The textbook contains a huge number of examples, comments, excerpts from letters, and statements by P. P. Bazhov himself. After each chapter, the author summarizes everything that has been said as if helping students understand what they have read. The author’s goal is to show, using one of the most famous Russian folklorists as an example, how work should be conducted, what to pay attention to, and how to process information. The author's special attitude towards the person to whom this textbook is dedicated does not escape attention: Blazhes’s deep respect for Bazhov, his work, his unique perception, and way of self-expression are felt.

The book is presented in the exposition “Sverdlovsk Oblast: Through the Pages of History”. We invite everyone to visit the exhibition (4 Turgeneva St., room 267, Exhibition Hall) and enjoy the diversity of books highlighting cultural and historical heritage of our region. You can visit the exhibition hall in weekdays from 09:00 am to 05:00 pm.

Author&Translator: Alexandra Sergeyeva

We express sincere gratitude to Alexandra Sergeyeva for the work she has done!

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