Mass Walk in Ekaterinburg

пятница 17 мая 2024, 14:03



A few days left until the May Walk that will be held for the 41st time. It is a unique event celebrated every year since 1984 in the third Sunday of May. The initiative of the event belongs to the students and staff of the Department of Physical Techniques and Devices for Quality Control of the Institute of Physics and Technology. This year organizers have worked out five routes for both long and short distances. “There will be classic 50 km way, middle-length ways, and short city distances ways as well. We keep diversity to provide a choice for any age and training level”, – is informed about in the Walking registration start.

The Walk’s length and tempo are up to every participant`s choice depending on the weather, personal strength and well-being. There are ten checkpoints at each distance, a Finish point traditionally has hot tea with pryaniks (gingerbread) and sushkas (Russian tasty bakery products). Every participant completing the May Walk route will be a winner and will receive a distinctive badge!

As in previous years, start and finish is located near the UrFU main building (19 Mira Street). A registration is available on the link.

To better prepare and be a part of interesting and useful leisure-time, Ural Federal University Library offers you getting acquainted with a diversity of literature in physical culture and sports. Printed editions can be found on Liberal Arts & Humanities Circulation Desk (4 Turgeneva St., Room 252), Liberal Arts & Humanities Reading Room (19 Mira St., Room Б-203). Full-text digital editions are on the Electronic Library Systems «IPR BOOKS» and «University Library Online».

Author: Eleonora Kondrasheva
Translator: Alina Karamova

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