Exhibition «Ciao, Italy»

понедельник 20 мая 2024, 14:47



Winter still does not want to leave the Urals. When the long-awaited sunshine will appear and the thermometer will be high, it is not known at all. That's why the Circulation Desk of Foreign Literature of the University Library (4 Turgeneva St., room 356) decided not to wait for hot summer days, but to triple them right in the library by presenting the exhibition ‘Chao, Italy’.

The exhibition will take you to sunny Italy, and not only books, but also the presented elements of scenery, namely bright postcard pictures of different regions and sights of Italy, and, of course, the most delicious dishes (but only paper ones) will help you!

Most of the Italian language editions are art books, for example, La fotografia in Italy by P. Morello The black and white photographs presented in the book help to experience the real Italian life and living. The book-album Milano will take you on a mini tour of the city, showing you the streets, architecture, paintings and sculptures. Interested in Italian politics? We recommend the book The new Italian republic, edited by S. Gundle and S. Parker, which analyses the reforms and changes in the structure of the new Italy. Ali e Nino by S. Kurban is a work of fiction and a historical document about a complicated love where the main characters seem to be very different, she is a Christian, he is a Muslim, and the action takes place in the 20th-century Caucasus, which makes the story even more interesting.

The Library is pleased to present a new sunny exhibition and invite you to enjoy it all May, and the librarians will help you find the right book for you. Ciao!

Author and translator: Anastasia Smorkalova

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