The Ural hinterland

вторник 4 июня 2024, 14:50



Library continues to introduce you to interesting books dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Sverdlovsk oblast.

We asked the students being in March in translation practice in the Library to tell about their favourite places in Sverdlovsk oblast and recommend books about these places.

Today we want to present you the
book by Nina Valentinovna Akifyeva "Pervouralsk and its surroundings. Our heritage" reviewed by 2nd-year student of Linguistics Alina Sukhorukova.

Among the many beautiful and unique places in the Sverdlovsk region, my favourite is the settlement of Novoutkinsk, located to the west of Yekaterinburg, in the Pervouralsky district. This settlement surprises with its history and beautiful landscapes. Novoutkinsk is one of the oldest settlements in the Urals, founded in 1711. Now about six thousand people live here, and the village still retains the spirit of antiquity and coziness.

It is worth noting that the settlement of Novoutkinsk is located on the banks of the Utka River, which is a tributary of the Chusovaya River. The Chusovaya River is another amazing place in the Sverdlovsk region. This picturesque river originates on the slopes of the Ural Mountains and flows through many amazing places such as the Chusovskoy Kamen (stone) and the Chusovskoy Vzvoz. The Chusovaya River is a popular place for fishing and outdoor recreation.

The most impressive architectural object in Novoutkinsk is the Assumption Church. This stone temple was built in 1833 and still attracts tourists with its unique frescoes and ancient icons.
The Assumption Church was originally built as a wooden building, but at the beginning of the 20th century it was rebuilt from stone. In different periods of history, the church underwent various changes and reconstruction, but its main features and spiritual significance for the local population remained unchanged. However, during the Soviet period, the Assumption Church, like many other religious buildings, was closed and used for other purposes. In the 1980s, the church was returned to the parishioners, and cultural life in the settlement began to recover. Today, the Assumption Church in the settlement of Novoutkinsk continues to serve its parishioners.

Another landmark of the settlement is the Novoutkinskaya cave. It is located within the village in the limestone cliffs of the right bank of the Utka River, 1 kilometer below the pond dam.

The cave is small in length – 15 meters. Crouching behind the entrance grotto, you will find yourself in a large and high (up to 5 meters wide and 3 meters high) second grotto of the cave. The vaulted ceiling has no leaks. The floor is covered with earth.

Thus, the village of Novoutkinsk and the Assumption Church are real pearls of the Sverdlovsk region, which are worth visiting to anyone who appreciates history, the beauty of nature and unique architecture.

In the book by Nina Valentinovna Akifyeva "Pervouralsk and its surroundings. Our heritage" several pages are dedicated to the settlement of Novoutkinsk and the Assumption Church. The book presents unique photographs and illustrations that allow you to plunge into the atmosphere of the city and its surroundings. It also contains interesting historical information that makes reading even more fascinating. For example, the book tells about the hard history of the church during the revolution.

Pervouralsk and its Surroundings is an excellent book not only for residents of this city, but also for anyone interested in the history and culture of the Urals. We recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about this amazing region!

Author&Translator: Alina Sukhorukova

We express sincere gratitude to Alina Sukhorukova for the work she has done!

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