Anna Akhmatova: the poetic voice of the 20th century

понедельник 24 июня 2024, 14:32



23 June marked the 135th anniversary of the birth of Anna Akhmatova, one of the most important Russian poets of the twentieth century. She was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature but died before it was announced, and her poems are still relevant to the modern reader.

The creative heritage of Akhmatova reflected the difficult events and shocks that fell during her long life. "Requiem" is one of the most famous poems of the creator. It describes the repressions (most active during the reign of Joseph Stalin), from which her only son Lev Gumilev suffered: "During the terrible years of Yezhovshchina, I spent seventeen months in prison queues in Leningrad".

Little known, but Akhmatova wrote not only poetry but also prose. For example, she studied the legacy of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, and her discovery of the connection between The Tale of the Golden Cockerel and Washington Irving's The Legend of the Arab Stargazer has been cited by researchers to this day. Also interesting are the poet's notebooks, kept between 1958 and 1966, which absorbed the life and spirit of the generations whose fate Anna Akhmatova shared.

At the exhibition, which is timed to coincide with the poet's anniversary, you can find not only collections and editions of her poems, but also get acquainted with Anna Akhmatova's biography and scientific works about her. For example, with the fundamental study by R. D. Timenchik "The Last Poet. Anna Akhmatova in the 60s", dedicated to the mysteries of her notebooks. The exhibition is on Liberal Arts & Humanities Circulation Desk (4 Turgeneva Street, Room 252) until mid-July.

Author: Elizaveta Kislitsyna
Translator: Angelina Cherenkova

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