During an academic year the users of Ural Federal University Library have the possibility to borrow items at Circulation Desks and to use items for in-library independent work in the Reading Rooms and Information Centres.

Loan periods:
• Study materials – for a semester.
• Scientific materials, literary and art items and periodicals – up to 1 month.

Please note: Requests sent through the Library website, Ural Federal University Library VKontakte group, and to a librarian’s personal account are received for 24 hours and conducted by the librarians from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 19:00. Notification about availability of a required item will be sent.

Ways of Requesting:

– The Library Website
You will need: a Library Card with barcode and password.
For requesting:
1. Find the service «Электронный формуляр и онлайн заказ литературы» (“E-Library Card and Online Request”) on the Library website and carefully fill in the barcode and password from your Library Card. Then follow the link «Вход для поиска и заказа» (“Search and Request”).
2. Fill in the search forms in the electronic catalogue.
3. Find the necessary item in the Search Results and follow the link «Детальная информация» (“Detailed Information”).
4. Please write you email to receive notification of the request conduction. Press the button
«Заказать» (“Request”).
5. Wait for notification of the request fulfilment.
6. Borrow the requested item in the emailed Library department.

– Personal Accounts of UrFU Faculty and Staff
You will need: your user account.
For requesting:
1. Login with your username and password to UrFU Personal Account (Личный кабинет).
2. Find «Электронный формуляр» (“E-Library Card”) in the section «Библиотечные сервисы» (“Library Services”)
3. Press the button «Перейти к сервису» (“Follow the service”) in the right-hand part of the screen.
4. Fill in the search forms in the electronic catalogue.
5. Find the necessary item in the Search Results and follow the link «Детальная информация» (“Detailed Information”).
6. Please write you email to receive notification of the request conduction. Press the button
«Заказать» (“Request”).
7. Wait for notification of the request fulfilment.
8. Borrow the requested item in the emailed Library department.

– Ural Federal University Library VKontakte group
You will need: your profile in VKontakte social network.
For requesting:
1. Enter your VKontakte profile.
2. Find the Request form in Ural Federal University Library group.
3. Carefully fill in all the forms and press the button «Отправить» (“Send”).
4. Wait for notification of the request fulfilment.
5. Borrow the requested item in the emailed Library department.

– In the Library
You will need: a valid Library Card or a Student Card with barcode.
For requesting:
1. Find the necessary item in the electronic or card catalogues.
2. Fill in the handwritten request form:

3. Bring the handwritten request to the Library department in which the item is kept.
4. Wait for the requested item delivery (from 5 to 30 minutes).

Последнее изменение: среда 6 октября 2021, 15:22
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