Materials for Study Russian as a Foreign Language

Ural Federal University Library collection contains a great number of books for the students studying Russian as a foreign language.These include fiction, printed scientific and study materials, specialized dictionaries, and electronic textbooks.

You can check out books to use at home at Circulation Desks – scientific materials for a month, study materials for a semester with a following possibility to renew them:

· Circulation Desk: Liberal Arts & Humanities (4 Turgeneva Street. Room 252). A.S.Pushkin’s fairy tales, P.P. Bazhov’s Ural tales, Russian epic, proverbs and saying are in high demand there. Textbooks compiled by the University lecturers are very popular, for example, Кутяева, У. С. Пишем по-русски. Развитие письменной речи для иностранных учащихся. Базовый уровень. Москва ; Екатеринбург : ФЛИНТА : Издательство Уральского университета, 2019.

· Circulation Desk: Foreign Literature (4 Turgeneva Street, Room 356). Specialized dictionaries are in a high-use category.

· Circulation Desk: Technics & Engineering (19 Mira Street, Room Б-201) and Circulation Desk for the 1st- and 2nd-year students (34 Mira Street) offer such textbooks as Хавронина, С. А. Русский язык в упражнениях. Москва : Русский язык. Курсы, 2008; Гапочка, И. К. Я читаю по-русски. Книга для чтения со словарем. Москва : Русский язык - Медиа, 2007 (this item allows to start studying Russian from scratch); Новикова, Н. С. Удивительные истории. 116 текстов для чтения, изучения и развлечения. Москва : Флинта : Наука, 2008, etc.

Also you can read books in our Reading Rooms:

· Reading Room: Liberal Arts & Humanities (19 Mira Street, Room Б-203) contains 13 titles of study books, two of them for the students from China.

· Information Centre: Liberal Arts & Humanities (4 Turgeneva Street, Room 269) contains a number of items aimed at developing grammar and syntax, in particular illustrated by examples from Russian fiction.

Specialized Library Offices also provide Russian language textbooks:

· Department of Russian as a Foreign Language (16 Chapayeva Street).

· International Students Training and Support Centre (20 Chapayeva Street) contains modern textbooks that can be used at the lessons.

Electronic Library System «Университетская библиотека онлайн» (“University Library Online”) provides full-text remote access to around 700 items. All you need is to authorize in the system through your personal UrFU account.

You can also perform a search for Russian-language textbooks in the Library electronic catalogue (russian version, english version). For this purpose, choose a search field «Anywhere» from a dropdown menu and enter the keywords «Русский как иностранный» into the «Uncontrolled terms» field. In this case you will get an extended list of results.

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