Кругликов Сергей Владимирович

Дата обновления: 23.08.2017

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IFAC-PapersOnLine Searching for the credit portfolio structure and building portrait of prospective borrower / Podluzhnyy S., Kruglikov S. // IFAC-PapersOnLine. - 2015. - V. 28, l. 25. - P. 231-235. 2015 0 10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.11.092
(полный текст)
Applied Mechanics and Materials An a priori planning of joint motions for USV as a problem of guaranteed control/estimation / Kruglikov S.V., Kruglikov A.S. // Applied Mechanics and Materials. - 2014. - V. 494-495, l. . - P. 1110-1113. 2014 0 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM
(полный текст)
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) Modernization Management as the Problem of Guaranteed Control-Estimation for Hierarchical System / Kruglikov S.V. // IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). - 2012. - V. , l. . - P. 256-261. 2012 0 10.3182/20120913-4-IT-4027.000
(полный текст)
IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline) Using portfolio models as a mark of efficiency of bank investment risk-taking strategy / Nepp A.N., Kruglikov S.V., Pusanova M.V., Kuprina T.V. // IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). - 2012. - V. , l. . - P. 251-255. 2012 0 10.3182/20120913-4-IT-4027.000
(полный текст)
Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, SSDBM An information system for distillation data farming / Lewis A., Berlin J., Meyer T., Kruglikov S., Miller S., Lyver IV J.W., Gharavi R. // Proceedings of the International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, SSDBM. - 2001. - V. , l. . - P. 274-277. 2001 0
Doklady Akademii Nauk On operator formalization of separation property for problems of ensured control-estimation / Kruglikov S.V. // Doklady Akademii Nauk. - 1998. - V. 362, l. 4. - P. 460-465. 1998 0
Doklady Mathematics Operator formalization of the separation property for problems of guaranteed control-estimation / Kruglikov S.V. // Doklady Mathematics. - 1998. - V. 58, l. 2. - P. 330-334. 1998 0
ECC 1997 - European Control Conference On the operator formalization of the separation property in ensured control problems / Kruglikov S.V. // ECC 1997 - European Control Conference. - 1997. - V. , l. . - P. 3222-3227. 1997 0
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International Duality of problems of guaranteed control and estimation / Kruglikov S.V. // Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. - 1996. - V. 34, l. 2. - P. 127-133. 1996 0
Problems of control and information theory ON THE SEPARATION PRINCIPLE IN THE PROBLEM OF ENSURED CONTROL-ESTIMATION. / Kruglikov S.V. // Problems of control and information theory. - 1986. - V. 15, l. 2. - P. 149-158. 1986 0
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