Кубланов Владимир Семенович

Дата обновления: 07.12.2017

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Нет данных
Antenna for contact microwave radiometers for monitoring of the brain microwave radiation / Panchenko B. A.,Kublanov V. S.,Baranov S. A.,Borisov V. I.,Sedelnikov Y. E. // . - 2017. - V. , l. . 2017 0
APPLIED BIONICS AND BIOMECHANICS Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for the Arterial Hypertension Diagnostics / Kublanov Vladimir S.,Dolganov Anton Yu.,Belo David,Gamboa Hugo // APPLIED BIONICS AND BIOMECHANICS. - 2017. - V. , l. . 2017 0 10.1155/2017/5985479
(полный текст)
Application Neuroelectrostimulation of a Peripheral Nervous System for Correction of Cognitive Characteristics in a Problem of Learning Ability / Kublanov V. S.,Petrenko A. A. // . - 2016. - V. , l. . - P. 21-26. 2016 0
Application of the Non-invasive Adaptive Neuro-electrostimulation Device for Treatment of Cognitive Impairment in the Model of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder / Petrenko T. S.,Kublanov V. S.,Petrenko A. A.,Retyunskiy K. Ju. // . - 2016. - V. , l. . - P. 12-16. 2016 0
The Functional Brain Asymmetry as a Method for Evaluation of the Cognitive Potential for Patients with Organic Brain Damage / Retyunskiy K. Ju.,Kublanov V. S.,Petrenko T. S.,Petrenko A. A.,Dolganov A. Yu. // . - 2016. - V. , l. . - P. 17-20. 2016 0
The Recovery of Cognitive Functions for Patients with the Organic Amnestic Syndrome by Means of the Non-invasive Adaptive Neuro-electrostimulation Device / Petrenko T. S.,Kublanov V. S.,Petrenko A. A.,Retyunskiy K. Ju.,Fedotovskih A. V. // . - 2016. - V. , l. . - P. 9-11. 2016 0
Application of Track Membranes in Electrodes for Electrical Neurostimulation / Trofimov V. V.,Kukushkin D. Y.,Vasilev A. M.,Arhipushkin I. A.,Kublanov V. S.,Babich M. V.,Dolganov A. Y.,Gadelshin V. M. // . - 2015. - V. , l. . - P. 99-101. 2015 0
EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY Dynamic Correction of the Activity Sympathetic Nervous System (Dcasns) to Restore Cognitive Functions / Petrenko T. S.,Kublanov V. S.,Retiunskiy K. Y. // EUROPEAN PSYCHIATRY. - 2015. - V. 30, l. 1. 2015 0
Features of the Radiophysical Complex MRTHR Signals in Research of Functional Processes in the Brain Tissues / Kublanov V. S.,Borisov V. I. // . - 2015. - V. , l. . - P. 93-98. 2015 0
Multi-Electrode Neurostimulation System for Treatment of Cognitive Impairments / Kublanov V. S.,Petrenko T. S.,Babich M. V. // . - 2015. - V. , l. . - P. 2091-2094. 2015 3