Мальцева Людмила Алексеевна

Дата обновления: 22.08.2017

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Metal Science and Heat Treatment Influence of modes of thermoplastic treatment on the development of microplastic strain in nitrogen-bearing steel Kh21G10N7MBF / Bannykh O.A., Blinov V.M., Kostina M.V., Grachev S.V., Mal'Tseva L.A. // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. - 2005. - V. 47, l. 1-2. - P. 39-42. 2005 0 10.1007/s11041-005-0028-0
(полный текст)
Metal Science and Heat Treatment Austenite-ferrite corrosion-resistant steel for high-strength wire / Grachev S.V., Mal'tseva L.A., Mal'tseva T.V. // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. - 2000. - V. 42, l. 11-1. - P. 419-422. 2000 0
Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie Damping properties of martensitic and austenitic aging spring steels / Mikhailov S.B., Potekhin B.A., Mal'Tseva L.A., Mal'Tseva T.V., Fokin M.V. // Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie. - 2000. - V. 90, l. 1. - P. 72-78. 2000 0
Physics of Metals and Metallography Damping properties of martensitic and austenitic aging spring steels / Mikhailov S.B., Potekhin B.A., Mal'tseva L.A., Mal'tseva T.V., Fokin M.V. // Physics of Metals and Metallography. - 2000. - V. 90, l. 1. - P. 68-74. 2000 0
Metal Science and Heat Treatment Boronizing and borochromizing in a vibrofluidized bed / Grachev S.V., Mal'tseva L.A., Mal'tseva T.V., Kolpakov A.S., Dmitriev M.Yu. // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. - 1999. - V. 41, l. 11-1. - P. 465-468. 1999 0
Steel in Translation Influence of aging on physicomechanical properties of economically alloyed maraging wire / Grachev S.V., Mal'tseva L.A., Mal'tseva T.V. // Steel in Translation. - 1998. - V. 28, l. 11. - P. 69-71. 1998 0
Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie Stress relaxation during martensitic transformation of reverted austenite in maraging steel / Grachev S.V., Mal'tseva L.A. // Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenie. - 1997. - V. 84, l. 4. - P. 117-122. 1997 0
Physics of Metals and Metallography Stress relaxation during the martensitic transformation of the reverted austenite in a maraging steel / Grachev S.V., Mal'tseva L.A. // Physics of Metals and Metallography. - 1997. - V. 84, l. 4. - P. 403-406. 1997 0
Stal' Mechanical properties and relaxation resistance of the maraging wire / Grachev S.V., Mal'tseva L.A., Mal'tseva T.V. // Stal'. - 1996. - V. , l. 6. - P. 65-68. 1996 0
Meditsinskaya Tekhnika New high-strength corrosion-resistant steel for medical instruments [Novye vysokoprochnye korrozionno-stoǐkie stali dlia meditsinskikh instrumentov.] / Grachev S.V., Mal'tseva L.A., Shcherbakov V.D. // Meditsinskaya Tekhnika. - 1995. - V. , l. 2. - P. 24-27. 1995 0