Баскаков Альберт Павлович

Дата обновления: 22.08.2017

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Нет данных
Journal of Engineering Physics Pressure pulsation mechanism in a nonuniform fluidized bed / Baskakov A.P., Tuponogov V.G., Filippovskii N.F. // Journal of Engineering Physics. - 1983. - V. 45, l. 3. - P. 1014-1017. 1983 0 10.1007/BF00826495
(полный текст)
Metal Science and Heat Treatment Self-heating generator for reducing atmospheres / Dubinin A.M., Baskakov A.P. // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. - 1983. - V. 25, l. 1. - P. 49-51. 1983 0 10.1007/BF00777296
(полный текст)
Journal of Engineering Physics Design of installation for drying by a gas containing hygroscopic particles / Maskaev V.K., Baskakov A.P. // Journal of Engineering Physics. - 1982. - V. 43, l. 2. - P. 894-900. 1982 0 10.1007/BF00825019
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Teploenergetika Investigation of the Formation and Capture of Nitrogen Oxides in Fluidized Bed of Lignite Semicoke. [ISSLEDOVANIE OBRAZOVANIYA I ULAVLIVANIYA OKISLOV AZOTA V KIPYASHCHEM SLOE POLUKOKSA BUROGO UGLYA.] / Baskakov A.P., Berg B.G., Shikhov V.N., Volkova A.A., Tsymbalist M.M., Turkoman A.A., Ashikhmin A.A., Shul'man V.L., Bezrukov M.V., Unterberger O.G. // Teploenergetika. - 1982. - V. , l. 9. - P. 40-43. 1982 0
Journal of Engineering Physics Mathematical model of heterogeneous reactions / Kirakosyan V.A., Baskakov A.P. // Journal of Engineering Physics. - 1982. - V. 43, l. 4. - P. 1104-1110. 1982 0 10.1007/BF00827775
(полный текст)
Particularities of Heat Treatment in a Semiliquid State. [OSOBENNOSTI TERMOOBRABOTKI V PSEVDOOZHIZHENNOM SLOE.] / Grachev S.V., Zavarov A.S., Baskakov A.P. // . - 1982. - V. , l. . - P. 497-505. 1982 0
Journal of Engineering Physics Statistical study of fluctuation of gas flow rate in caps in fluidized-bed processing units / Baskakov A.P., Tuponogov V.G., Filippovskii N.F. // Journal of Engineering Physics. - 1982. - V. 43, l. 3. - P. 949-951. 1982 0 10.1007/BF00827231
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Journal of Engineering Physics Study of heat exchange in a bed fluidized with steam / Alekseev Yu.I., Filippovskii N.F., Baskakov A.P., Dedyukhin V.A., Poryvkin A.I. // Journal of Engineering Physics. - 1982. - V. 42, l. 6. - P. 594-597. 1982 0 10.1007/BF00835085
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Journal of Engineering Physics Transitional processes in fluidized systems / Baskakov A.P., Zharkov A.A., Filippovskii N.F. // Journal of Engineering Physics. - 1982. - V. 42, l. 4. - P. 392-395. 1982 0 10.1007/BF00826837
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Metal Science and Heat Treatment Fluidized bed electric furnace for rapid oxygen-free annealing of parts of copper and its alloys / Baskakov A.P., Zavarov A.S., Fainshmidt E.M., Alekseev Yu.I. // Metal Science and Heat Treatment. - 1981. - V. 23, l. 2. - P. 121-124. 1981 0 10.1007/BF01226363
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