Лабунец Валерий Григорьевич

Дата обновления: 06.09.2017

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Ortho-Unitary Transforms, Wavelets and Splines / Ostheimer Ekaterina,Labunets Valery,Artemov Ivan // . - 2017. - V. 661, l. . - P. 346-356. 2017 0 10.1007/978-3-319-52920-2\_32
(полный текст)
The Color Excitable Schrodinger Metamedium / Ostheimer Ekaterina,Labunets Valery,Artemov Ivan // . - 2017. - V. 661, l. . - P. 314-325. 2017 0 10.1007/978-3-319-52920-2\_29
(полный текст)
Frechet Filters for Color and Hyperspectral Images Filtering / Ostheimer Ekaterina,Labunets Valeriy,Komarov Denis,Fedorova Tat'yana // . - 2015. - V. 542, l. . - P. 57-70. 2015 1 10.1007/978-3-319-26123-2\_6
(полный текст)
New Bi-, Tri-, and Fourlateral Filters for Color and Hyperspectral Images Filtering / Ostheimer Ekaterina,Labunets Valeriy,Kurganski Andrey,Komarov Denis,Artemov Ivan // . - 2015. - V. 542, l. . - P. 102-113. 2015 0 10.1007/978-3-319-26123-2\_10
(полный текст)
FILTERS BASED ON AGGREGATION OPERATORS Part 1. Aggregation Operators / Labunets V. G. // . - 2014. - V. , l. . - P. 1239-1240. 2014 0
FILTERS BASED ON AGGREGATION OPERATORS. Part 2. The Kolmogorov filters / Labunets V. G.,Gainanov D. N.,Ostheimer E. // . - 2014. - V. , l. . - P. 1241-1242. 2014 0
FILTERS BASED ON AGGREGATION OPERATORS. Part 3. The Heron filters / Labunets V. G.,Gainanov D. N.,Tarasov F. D.,Ostheimer E. // . - 2014. - V. , l. . - P. 1243-1244. 2014 0
FILTERS BASED ON AGGREGATION OPERATORS. Part 4. Generalized vector median filters / Labunets V. G.,Gainanov D. N.,Arslanova R. A.,Ostheimer E. // . - 2014. - V. , l. . - P. 1245-1246. 2014 0
A unified approach to Fourier-Clifford-prometheus sequences, transforms and filter banks / Rundblad EL,Labunets V,Nikitin I // . - 2004. - V. 136, l. . - P. 389-400. 2004 0
Fast color wavelet-Haar-Hartley-prometheus transforms for image processing / Rundblad EL,Maidan A,Novak P,Labunets V // . - 2004. - V. 136, l. . - P. 401-411. 2004 0