Александров Дмитрий Валерьевич

Дата обновления: 22.08.2017

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Acta Materialia Solidification with a quasiequilibrium two-phase zone / Alexandrov D.V. // Acta Materialia. - 2001. - V. 49, l. 5. - P. 759-764. 2001 0 10.1016/S1359-6454(00)00388-8
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Doklady Physics The effect of concentrational supercooling on the morphological stability of self-similar solidification with a planar front / Alexandrov D.V. // Doklady Physics. - 2001. - V. 46, l. 7. - P. 453-458. 2001 0 10.1134/1.1390395
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Journal of Crystal Growth Dynamic stability analysis of the solidification of binary melts in the presence of a mushy region: changeover of instability / Alexandrov D.V., Ivanov A.O. // Journal of Crystal Growth. - 2000. - V. 210, l. 4. - P. 797-810. 2000 0 10.1016/S0022-0248(99)00763-0
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Doklady Physics Theory of solidification with a quasi-equilibrium two-phase zone / Aleksandrov D.V. // Doklady Physics. - 2000. - V. 45, l. 11. - P. 569-573. 2000 0
International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research An influence of a fractal-like mushy region on solidification process / Alexandrov D.V., Ivanov A.O., Komarovski M.E. // International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research. - 1999. - V. 26, l. 2. - P. 224-231. 1999 0
International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research Emergence of a mushy region in processes of binary melt solidification / Alexandrov D.V., Churbanov A.G., Vabishchevich P.N. // International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research. - 1999. - V. 26, l. 2. - P. 248-264. 1999 0
International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research Methodical notes on the strong solution of some well-known problems of hydrodynamics / Alexandrov D.V., Mansurov V.V. // International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research. - 1999. - V. 26, l. 2. - P. 232-247. 1999 0
Kristallografiya Dynamic stability of quasi-stationary solidification of a binary melt in the presence of a broad pseudoequilibrium two-phase zone / Aleksandrov D.V., Mansurov V.V. // Kristallografiya. - 1997. - V. 42, l. 3. - P. 402-404. 1997 0
Crystallography Reports Dynamic stability of quasi-stationary solidification of a binary melt in the presence of a broad pseudoequilibrium two-phase zone / Aleksandrov D.V., Mansurov V.V. // Crystallography Reports. - 1997. - V. 42, l. 3. - P. 357-359. 1997 0
Scripta Materialia Dynamic stability of a solidification process of a binary melt in the presence of a broad quasiequilibrium mushy region / Alexandrov D.V., Mansurov V.V. // Scripta Materialia. - 1996. - V. 35, l. 7. - P. 787-790. 1996 0 10.1016/1359-6462(96)00189-3
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