"Sun is rising in the East: Chinese and Japanese contemporary literature"

понедельник 25 апреля 2022, 17:49


Oh, East is East,
and West is West,
and never the twain shall meet…
J. R. Kipling

«Sun is rising in the East: Chinese and Japanese contemporary literature» is exactly the name of the new book exhibition presented at the Circulation Desk of Foreign Literature (4 Turgeneva St., room 356), where everyone interested in the culture of the East is free to find something special.

Like the sun rises in the East experiencing everyday rebirth so the literature of China and Japan once again blossoms in all its splendour before our readers. Thrillers, romance novels, social prose and refined poetry of the 19th-20th centuries strive to reveal their multifaceted images to everyone.

Among the authors there are distinguished classics including R. Akutagawa, Xuemo, H. Murakami, and more «modest» in the sense of fame (but no less significant!) Shang Sa, N. Suenaga, R. Yokomori and others. Our readers are able to get acquainted with their books in English, French, German, Spanish and Chinese. In addition, for a profound understanding of the language of Japanese and Chinese contemporary literature our readers have a possibility to study the works of literary critics and scholars also presented at the new exhibition.

The book exhibition will last until May 31, inclusive.

List of publications from the exhibition.

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