Radio Day: From the Origins to the Present

пятница 6 мая 2022, 15:39

From the Origins to the Present

History of radio invention

May 7 is a significant date for those who are related to the communications and radio engineering industries. In 1895 Russian physicist, electrical engineer, professor and inventor Alexander S. Popov demonstrated his invention, the world’s first radio receiver, and carried out a radio communication session at a sitting of the Russian Physical and Chemical Society. In early September 1922, the first radio concert was given in Moscow with participation of artists of the Bolshoi Theatre and the best musicians. Everyone heard the announcers' words: “Attention! Moscow is speaking!” This invention was the basis for creating television, mobile communications, navigation systems, and the Internet. The era of high speeds and mass communications began.

Radio Day was officially approved by the Government of the Soviet Union in 1945 in honour of the 50th anniversary of its invention. Apart from radio stations staff, this day is celebrated by professors, students and alumni of radiophysical departments throughout the post-Soviet space.

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