A Very Short Introduction

пятница 5 августа 2022, 12:21

A Very Short Introduction

To simplify the complex is the most significant result in all branches of knowledge… G. T. Bockle.

The title of a new book exhibition presented at the Circulation Desk of Foreign Literature (4 Turgenevа St., room 356), «A Very Short Introduction», is similar to the title of one of the most well-known book series telling «little by little about a lot».

Just for curious readers! The «Very short introduction» series will unveil little secrets about the lives of great people, such as philosophers I. Kant, B. Russell, T. Hobbes, poet W. Shakespeare, military commander K. von Clausewitz, scientist G. Galileo, psychoanalyst S. Freud, and many others!

These intellectually invigorating books will acquaint you with the history of the United Kingdom, the basics of molecular physics, and Egyptian mythology. You will have a chance to play a role of a literary critic or an expert in Renaissance art; to make a voyage to the shores of Northern Ireland or to learn something new about such seemingly familiar concepts as «globalization», «archeology», «empire», «music», «sociology», etc.

If you want to broaden your mind horizons, to take a fresh look at common things or just to spend an evening with a cup of fragrant tea and an engrossing book, then we invite you to visit the new exhibition «A Very Short Introduction»!

The book exhibition will last until September 30.

Lists of publications from the exhibition.

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