The Discovery of India

четверг 24 ноября 2022, 13:56

The Discovery of India

India lives in several centuries at the same time. – A. Roy

The main theme of the new book exhibition at The Circulation Desk of Foreign Literature (4 Turgeneva St., room 356) is the discovery of India: in terms of identity, traditional dance culture, economic partnerships and strategic political planning.

To make the book exhibition «reader-friendly», it is structured thematically: from history, sociology, philosophy, and economics to specific features of medicine and the architecture of medieval towns.

The reader is invited first «to make a conversation» in absentia with professional Indologists, travelers and residents of India using the hint quotes included into the exhibition and after that to dive into the atmosphere of Indian flavour filled with the smells of spices, incense and oils.

If you wish to learn something new about the art, science, economic strategies and life of India, get acquainted with the works by world-known political intellectuals, or just take a look at the new format of exhibition space organization, we invite you to visit «The Discovery of India» exhibition!

The book exhibition will last until December 31.

Lists of publications from the exhibition.

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