Turkey – the Country in Two Parts of the World

среда 15 ноября 2023, 13:55


‘There are places where history is inescapable, like highway accident – places where geography provokes history. That is Istanbul, that is Constantinople and that is Byzantium’. Joseph Brodsky “Journey to Istanbul”

Circulation Desk of Foreign Literature (4 Turgeneva st., room 356) invites you to an exhibition of academic literature for the general reader – “Turkey – the Country in Two Parts of the World”.

What would you imagine, if we ask you about this country? Maybe famous Turkish sweets or Hürrem Sultan or luxury of Topkapı Palace? Perhaps it would be Ataturk and the red flags?

Turkey, located on two continents at once, connects Asia and Europe not only geographically via the famous bridges over the Bosporus but also politically. This country permanently increases its influence in international relations. It would be quite challenging to find another player in this game, who is respectively powerful.

Relations between Russia and Turkey have always been complicated a lot, that’s why our understanding about this country can be distorted. To better understand Sublime Porte and its policy (e. g. “Politics in Post-Revolutionary Turkey, 1908-1913”), economy (e. g. “Geo-Politics of the Euro-Asia Energy Nexus”), history (e. g. “The History of the Ottoman Empire”) and culture (e. g. “Turkey’s intangible cultural heritage”) you can take the illustrated volumes displayed at our exposition.

As mentioned, the books have been selected for a general reader, there is no need for special knowledge or being an orientalist.

You are welcome on weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm and on Saturdays from 9 am to 4 pm. The exhibition will last until the middle of December.

Hoş geldiniz!

Author and translator: Anton Turkin

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