November 21st – Presentation of the Exhibition Milestones of Yekaterinburg at the University Library

пятница 17 ноября 2023, 13:52

Презентация выставки «Вехи истории» в библиотеке

In honor of the 300th anniversary of Yekaterinburg, the Ural Federal University Library continues to acquaint readers with the city's historical and cultural heritage. On November 21 at 4:00 PM, there will be a presentation of the exhibition Milestones of Yekaterinburg, featuring scientific and fiction books from the Library's collection. We invite you to explore the history of the Ural capital through the prism of time and learn how the city has changed from its foundation to the present day. The meeting will be held in the Library Exhibition Hall (4 Turgeneva Street, Room 267).

The highlight of the presentation will be an overview of fiction books by local writers who are particularly popular among library readers.

Exhibition guests will be able to enjoy a comfortable atmosphere, sitting on soft sofas, flipping through books, and even testing their knowledge of Yekaterinburg by solving an engaging crossword puzzle about the jubilee city.

Everyone is invited. Pre-registration is required via the provided link.

Detailed information is available on the Library's website and in the Library's account on the VK social network.

Author: Olga Mikhalitsyna
Translator: Olga Mukhina

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