четверг 7 декабря 2023, 14:59


There are many kinds of researchers in our University. To begin with bachelors involved into various projects, not to mention master students, post graduates and faculty writing dissertations and academic papers. Whatever countries they are from, all of them need scholarly information.

Though it has been generally accepted that surfing the Internet, you can find enormous amount of information, but in many cases the world web contains a great deal of spam and can not guarantee that it answers the requirements of scientific information, i. e. it must be verified, reliable, relevant, up to date and peer reviewed; whereas licensed information sources require paid access.

So, where you can get sources for your research? Definitely in the Library!

All the scholarly electronic resources can be divided into three large categories:
- resources generated by UrFU
- purchased (or subscribed) resources
- open-access resources

Resources generated by UrFU proper include The Portal of UrFU Information & Educational Resources and Academic Repository (DSpace). Both of them contain textbooks, lectures, methodical material, monographs and other works by UrFU specialists published by Ural University Press. DSpace offers also contemporary and retrospective archives of the university media. A highly demanded section is Master's Thesis containing full texts of 2,000+ master’s theses defended in UrFU.

Purchased or subscribed resources we can also divide into several kinds:
Electronic Library Systems (in Russian) – mainly they contain online textbooks, dictionaries, periodicals, and fiction in different languages. A particular attention must be focused on the discipline «Russian as a foreign language» because it is the field of studies of many international bachelors and master students. Today UrFU provides access to two electronic library systems: «University Library Online» and «IPR SMART» by seamless authorization through UrFU personal account.
• The databases of Russian scholarly periodicals (journals): eLIBRARY, the leading Russian scientific electronic library integrated with Russian Science Citation Index analyzing research activity of authors, journals and affiliations, and supplying bibliometric data. It provides full-text access to 90 journals subscribed by the University as well as to around 4,800 open-access journals. eLIBRARY requires a personal registration. The second database is East View. The UrFU individual subscription includes around 300 Russian journals. There is a single login / password for all UrFU users that you can get in the Library Information Centres.
• International databases of journal articles, dissertations, standards, patents, conference proceedings, etc. From 2022 the situation here is quite difficult since many of them (including the leading ones Scopus and Web of Science) suspended their activity in Russia. However, there are some other databases covering a wide range of disciplines that go on providing access.

And the third category is Open-Access Resources. Many authoritative world publishing houses apart from paid databases have also free ones (for example, ACM digital library, AIP publishing, Springer Open, Tailor & Francis open books, Tailor & Francis open journals, Cambridge open-access journals, and many others). Besides there are many open web search engines, such as Google Scholar, Dimensions, Semantic Scholar, The Lens, and others. You can find a vast collection of Russian scholarly papers in the scientific electronic library CyberLeninka working according to the model of open science.

Want to learn more? Come in person to our Information Centres, or address your questions online here on UrFU Library Chat and in our VK group Доступная наука (Accessible Science).

Author & translator: Natalia Krasnogor

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