Let's open the season of winter activities with the library!

четверг 28 декабря 2023, 16:34

Let's open the season of winter activities with the library!

Russian winter is an extraordinary season that has always inspired great creators: writers and poets featured the frosty morning and snowy evening, composers created magical music about blizzards, artists embodied the beauty of winter nature on canvas and turned spots of moonlight on snow into masterpieces, trying to convey the spirit of snowballs game and the atmosphere of winter entertainment.
Residents of the Urals have waited for fluffy snow, and so it is the time to plan leisure time during the New Year holidays. The University Library will tell you how to spend your time in nature and what winter sports to try in Yekaterinburg.

Firstly, it is worth visiting the city ice rink. Fans of mirror ice, smooth gliding, and sharpened skates should know that there are 25 major ice rinks in the city. The most popular ones are "The Northern Lights" (“Severnoye Siyaniye”) in The Mayakovsky Central Park of Culture and Recreation (230, Michurina St.), "Youth" (“Yunost”) (32, Kuybysheva St.), "Dynamo" (12b, Vasily Yeremin St.). These ice rinks are already delighting visitors who have been waiting for real winter weather (by the way, skates can be rented).

Secondly, you can go skiing and snowboarding on mountain slopes. The Urals are famous for their picturesque mountain landscapes and abundance of snow, making it an ideal place for skiing vacations. By the beginning of December, more than ten ski resorts in the vicinity of the city opened their seasons for lovers of snowy slopes. Among them: the ski complex " Uktus Mountain" (27, Zimnyaya St.), the "7 Keys" family recreation park (63, Reshetskaya St.), the ski entertainment complex "Mountain Listvennaya" (EKAD, Yekaterinburg ring road, 23d km). Choose the runs that suit you. Take advantage of the generosity of December which did not spare snow and invigorating frosts from the first days.

If you want to expand your knowledge of winter sports, we recommend turning to the library collection and choose a book you like. For studying the topic, the following publications will be interesting:

• Жданкина Е. Ф. Физическая культура. Лыжная подготовка : учеб. пособие для студентов вузов.
• Клочкова М. Сноуборд. Первые шаги.
• Кучешева И. Л. Sport (Спорт) : учеб. пособие. − Книга находится в премиум-версии ЭБС IPR BOOKS.
• Старт, рывок − и финиш золотой! Российские спортсмены на зимних Олимпийских играх в фотографиях ТАСС : [Photoalbum].

You can check the availability of books on winter sports in the Library electronic catalog or at circulation desks.

Author: Lyudmila Sharnina
Translator: Anton Turkin

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