Electronic catalogue covers several categories of materials: All, Monographs, Textbooks, Dictionaries, Reference books, Encyclopedias, etc. If considered necessary, you can select one or another category of materials by pointing with the mouse cursor to the corresponding position in the suggested list from the dropdown menu. The selected material category will be highlighted in blue. The default category is All.

There are several searchable databases (DB): Books, Abstracts and Dissertations, Media Resources, Electronic Library System (ELS) “University Library Online”, ELS “IPR Books”. By default, all databases are searched simultaneously (the names of all databases are highlighted in blue). If necessary, you can select a required database by hovering the cursor over it in the suggested list.

Access to the ELS "University Library Online" and ELS "IPR Books" is provided via the Ural Federal University corporate network. For remote access you can use seamless authorization via your personal UrFU account.


1. Creating a Search Query
Creating a search query is possible within three fields at the same time. By default, the following three fields are selected for a search: Author, Title, Keywords. You can select other attributes in each search field from the dropdown menu: Date Published, All.

You can search by one or several criteria. For example, if you know only the last name of the document’s author (editor, compiler, etc.), then select the search field Author, where you enter the last name of this author with the initials of his / her name and patronymic. Adding the initials will narrow the scope of your search.

If you know the author's last name and the title of the document, you select two search fields (Author and Title), where you enter the corresponding information. You can enter one or more words from the title of the document and put the truncation symbol asterisk * in the field Title. For more accurate results, you should enter the exact and full title of the document.

If you want to find documents on a particular topic, select the search field Keywords and enter the exact title of the topic or keywords (the most significant and essential terms or phrase, without prepositions and conjunctions).

If you want to select documents for a certain year, select Date Published from the dropdown menu and enter the year of publication in the search field. If you need to select documents for several years (for example, for 2010-2013), the search is performed consistently for each of these years.

When selecting the field All, all fields of the bibliographic record will be searched.

2. Search Results
The search results return a list of bibliographic records. Each bibliographic record may include several hyperlinks highlighted in blue. Clicking on hyperlinks will provide additional information. For example, a hyperlink to the author's last name will return the author's other documents. A hyperlink to the detailed information displays the location and availability of the document. A hyperlink to the web address of the document will lead to its full text (if available in ELS). A hyperlink to any of the keywords will allow you to view result list of topic-related documents.

3. Request
A remote request for a document is available through Ural Federal University Library VKontakte group.


1. Creating a Search Query
Creating a search query is possible within three fields at the same time. By default, the following three fields are selected for the search: Author, Title, Keywords. You can select other attributes in each search box from the dropdown menu: Date Published, Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), Russian Library-Bibliographical Classification (RLBC), Inventory number, ISBN, ISSN, All.

The UDC and LBC search attributes allow topical search for documents by means of classification indexes of these systems.

The ISBN and ISSN search attributes allow searching certain documents (books, periodicals, and serial publications) by international standard numbers.

The search attribute inventory number allows you to find a specific item in the Library collection and its storage location.

An advanced search allows you selecting additional options for creating a query in each search line (on the right): phrase, year, word, word list.

If you need documents with several keywords, enter them in the Keywords field (for example, mathematics + statistics). In the same search box, on the right, select the Word list option from the dropdown menu. After clicking the Search button, the result returns a list of bibliographic records of the documents where both terms appear. An identical search can be performed using the Title search field.

If you need to sort the search results by year of publication or author, then put a "checkbox" in the Sort by key line.

2. Search Results
The search results return a list of bibliographic records. Each bibliographic record may include several hyperlinks highlighted in blue. Clicking on hyperlinks will provide additional information. For example, a hyperlink to the author's last name will return the author's other documents. A hyperlink to the detailed information displays the location and availability of the document. A hyperlink to the web address of the document will lead to its full text (if available in ELS). A hyperlink to any of the keywords will allow you to view result list of topic-related documents.

3. Request
A remote request for a document is available through Ural Federal University Library VKontakte group.
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