Lesson 6. Document and Information Resource

A document and information fixed in it are the base of information resource. One of the basic features of a document is its expression in a certain form according to which documents can be divided into traditional and electronic. Information resources can be classified according to the same criterium (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Classification of documents and resources by the form of expression

THUS IT CAN BE INFERRED THAT a printed document is the base of a traditional resource, for example, a book entering a library becomes a part of the library stock. En electronic document is the base of an electronic resource, for example any subscribed electronic library system (“Lan’”, “University Library Online”, “Bibliokomplektator”) or electronic library (“National Electronic Library”), or any system generated by the University itself, such as “Electronic Scientific Repository” accumulating textbooks and various materials prepared by UrFU teachers.

According to their reading purpose, libraries or their parent organizations (higher educational establishments, scientific institutes) purchase printed editions, subscribe electronic resources, and compile full-text repositories that constitute a single stock of information resources of the organization.

1. GOST 7.0–99. Informatsionno-bIbliotechnaya deyatelnost’, bibliographiya. Terminy I opredeleniya [StateStandard 7.0–99. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Information and librarian activity, bibliography. Terms and definitions]. : Introduced 2000-07-01. — Access mode: for authorized users. – URL: http://sk5-410-lib-te.at.urfu.ru/docs/ (accessed: 18.09.2019).
2. GOST 7.82–2001. Bibliographicheskaya zapis. Bibliographicheskoye opisaniye electronnykh resursov. Obshchiye trebovaniya i pravila sostavleniya [System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing.
Bibliographic recording. Bibliographic description for electronic resources. General requirements and rules]: Introduced 2002-07-01. – Access mode: for authorized users. – URL: http://sk5-410-lib-te.at.urfu.ru/docs/ (accessed: 19.09.2019).
3. GOST 7.83–2001. Electronnyye izdaniya. Osnovnyye vidy I vykhodnyye svedeniya [System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Electronic editions. Basic types and imprint] : Introduced 2002-07-01. – Access mode: for authorized users. – URL: http://sk5-410-lib-te.at.urfu.ru/docs/ (accessed: 19.09.2019).
4. Ob informatsii, informatsionnykh resursakh I o zashchite informatsii : feder. Zakon № 149-FZ ot 27 iyulya 2006 goda [Federal Law № 149-F3, dated 27 July 2006, “On information, information technologies and information protection”]. — Access mode: for authorized users. – URL: http://sk5-410-lib-te.at.urfu.ru/docs/ (accessed: 19.09.2019).

Material prepared by Asya Kosenko, translated by Natalia Krasnogor

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