Lesson 9. Classification of Information Resources

Proper classification of electronic resources would allow swift solving of your search task by correct selecting a resource and search strategy.
The table below offers classification of information resources by several criteria. It will help to navigate in their diversity (the author does not claim for the completeness of the criteria used).

Table 1. Classification of information resources
By form of ownership:
— state (federal, of territorial entity of the Russian Federation, municipal)
— non-state (of juristic persons, social organizations, joint-stock companies, etc.)
— private
By content:
— books
— periodicals
— patents
— abstracts of dissertations & dissertations
— standard technical documents
— news
— statistical and analytical items
— miscellanea
By the information character:
— full-text
— bibliographic
— abstract
— factual
By sign of content:
— texts
— figures (graphical)
— audio
— video, photo
— multimedia
By access type:
— commercial (paid)
• individual subscription (private person)
• corporate (subscription of an organization at its expense)
• centralized / national (state subscription carried out on a competition basis via a provider)
• grant subscription (paid by grant, at the fund expense)
— non-profit
• unpaid resources (by contract)
• open-access resources
• open-access resources (under license conditions)
By access procedure:
— public access (for all the users without exceptions) [2]
— extranet access (resources are placed in Internet but access is provided only to restricted users) [2]
— network access (offline) / Intranet (for users within an organization through Intranet) [2]
— local access (from several computers)
— combined access (complex offline, online)
— remote (authorized online access):
• by remote access systems (EZproxy)
• by user name and password
By interaction with users [2]:
— information resources (online editions, Mass media, TV, radio)
— application resources (online libraries and databases, software repository with downloading tools, web search engines)
— communication resources (social networks, online/Interment community)
— entertainment resources (games, video, music, anecdotes, etc.)
— commercial resources (sites with paid services, online shops)
— advertising resources
By thematic:
— information and library
— scientific and technical — in accordance with subject category
— transport
— hydrometeorological and geological
— biological
— medical
— legal
— economical, etc.
By geographical grounds:
— regional
— a country’s
— world’s
By coverage:
— interdisciplinary
— profile
By purpose:
— scientific
— educational
— communication (social networks for scientists and researchers)
— entertainment and recreation

It should be noted that there are many types of resources. The user must to have at least a general idea about this diversity for the purpose to save the time for searching and achieving the planned result.

1. Antopolsky A. B. Infosphera obshchestvennykh nauk Rossii : monograph / A. B. Antopolsky, D. V. Yefremenko; pod red. V. A. Tsvetkovoy. – Moskva ; Berlin : Direkt-Media, 2019. – 676 s. – Access mode: for authorized users. – URL: http://biblioclub.ru/index.php?page=book&id=561461 (accessed: 25.07.2019).
2. Blyumin A. M. Mirovyye informatsionnyye resursy : ucheb. Posobiye / A. M. Blyumin, N. A. Feoktistov. – Moskva : Dashkov i KО, 2016. – 384 s. – Access mode: for authorized users. – URL: http://biblioclub.ru/index.php?page=book&id=453024 (accessed: 25.07.2019).
3. Grazhdansky kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii (chast chetvyortaya) : Kodeks RF № 230-FZ [The Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part IV (with the Additions and Amendments of December 27, 2018) : Introduced 2006-12-18. – Access mode: for authorized users. – URL: http://sk5-410-lib-te.at.urfu.ru/docs/ (accessed: 25.07.2019).

Material prepared by Asya Kosenko, translated by Natalia Krasnogor

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