The section on the basis of information included in the directories of local publishing houses on the geopolitical, socio-economic and cultural development of the regions included in the Ural Federal District reflects the development of higher education in the district.

Encyclopedic reference book “Ural Federal District. Territory of Cooperation ”broadly covers the modern life of the Ural region. A large section of the handbook is devoted to the system of higher and secondary vocational education. An overview of educational institutions of different levels is made, including articles about USTU-UPI and USU.

The encyclopedia provides biographical information about Stanislav Stepanovich Naboichenko, rector of USTU-UPI, and Dmitry Vitalievich Bugrov, rector of USU.

1. Ural State Technical University - UPI // Ural Federal District. Territory of cooperation: a reference book. - Yekaterinburg : Cone, 2007. - P. 98–99.
2. Ural State University named after A. M. Gorky // Ural Federal District. Territory of cooperation: a reference book. - Yekaterinburg : Cone, 2007. - P. 102-103.

All significant events of the Ural region for the year are covered by the reference book “Big Ural. World of events. Sverdlovsk region". The yearbook includes information on the main achievements in the activities of state authorities, municipalities, leading enterprises and organizations, public structures, institutions of science, education, health care, culture of the Sverdlovsk region.

In 2010, the Ural Federal University hosted the First Conference of the Leading Universities of Russia, which was attended by rectors of the country's largest universities, politicians and scientists. The issues of investment and quality of higher education, aspects of professional cooperation were discussed.

This issue highlights an equally important solemn joint meeting of the work collectives of the Ural Federal University named after V.I. the first President B.N. Yeltsin and the Ural State University A.M. Gorky right before the association.

An article on the acquisition by the Radio Engineering Institute - RTF of unique equipment for the creation of a Space Monitoring Center to work with a station for receiving and processing space information is of special interest.

1. Acquire or Invent? // Big Ural. The world of events. Sverdlovsk region. 2010: yearbook / ch. ed. A. Ionin. - Yekaterinburg : Real-Media, 2011. - P. 236.
2. Glorious history, broad prospects // Big Urals. The world of events. Sverdlovsk region. 2010: yearbook / ch. ed. A. Ionin. - Yekaterinburg : Real-Media, 2011. - P. 237.
3. Space technologies for the educational process // Big Urals. The world of events. Sverdlovsk region. 2010: yearbook / ch. ed. A. Ionin. - Yekaterinburg : Real-Media, 2011. - P. 238.

The "Ural Historical Encyclopedia", which contains a collection of modern scientific knowledge on the history of the Urals from the beginning of the development of the region to the present day is of great interest. The publication pays special attention to the higher education system presented by the leading universities of Yekaterinburg.

1. Ural State Technical University - UPI / S. S. Naboychenko // Ural Historical Encyclopedia. - 2nd ed. revised and add. - Yekaterinburg : Academbook ; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000. - P. 557.
2. Ural State University named after A. M. Gorky / M. E. Glavatsky // Ural Historical Encyclopedia. - 2nd ed. revised and add. - Yekaterinburg : Academbook ; Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000. - P. 557.

The encyclopedia "Yekaterinburg" reflects almost all aspects of city life: major historical events and phenomena, information about government and local authorities, public associations and religious confessions, leading industrial enterprises, scientific institutions and universities, large objects of urban economy, trade and services , historical and cultural monuments, streets and squares.

A significant place was taken by the biographies of famous Yekaterinburg residents, whose service to the city and the region left a noticeable mark on history.

The history of the largest university in the Urals is closely related to the history and development of the city. The encyclopedia provides background information on the history of the formation of UrFU, structural divisions, rectors, famous scientists and scientific schools.


1. Ural State Technical University (USTU – UPI) / S. S. Naboychenko // Yekaterinburg: encyclopedia / ch. ed. V.V. Maslakov. - Yekaterinburg : Akademkniga, 2002. - P. 588-589.
2. Ural State University named after A. M. Gorky / V. E. Tretyakov // Yekaterinburg: encyclopedia / ch. ed. V.V. Maslakov. - Yekaterinburg : Akademkniga, 2002. - P. 589.

The publication "Yekaterinburg: Records and Achievements" presents the records and achievements of the city in all areas of human activity. There is an information about outstanding personalities, leading enterprises and universities.

One of the articles of the encyclopedia is devoted to the 200 thousandth graduation of USTU-UPI specialists, as well as to the most famous graduates and athletes.

City of masters / A. Ponizovkin // Yekaterinburg: records and achievements. 2007. - Ekaterinburg, 2007. - P. 93-95.

The Free Encyclopedia of the Urals is an open network resource dedicated to the history and current state of the Ural region. The encyclopedia includes articles on geography, economics, politics, science, culture, sports, history, archeology and outstanding personalities of the Urals. The pages of the site also reflect the history of the Ural Federal University and the biographies of university scientists.

1. Ural State University // Free Encyclopedia of the Urals. - 2009. - Access mode: http://encyclopedia-urala.rf/index.php/ Ural_state_university.
2. Ural State Technical University - UPI // Free Encyclopedia of the Urals. - 2009. - Access mode: http://encyclopedia-urala.rf/index.php/Ural_Polytechnical_institute.
3. Ural Federal University // Free encyclopedia of the Urals. - 2015. - Access mode: http://encyclopedia-urala.rf/index.php/Ural_Federal_University.

The open electronic resource "Ural Historical Encyclopedia" covers the history and current situation of the Ural region. On the site you can learn about the history of the leading Ural universities.


1. Ural State Technical University - UPI // Ural Historical Encyclopedia. - Yekaterinburg, 2010. - Access mode:
2. Ural State University named after A. M. Gorky // Ural Historical Encyclopedia. - Yekaterinburg, 2010. - Access mode:
The network encyclopedia of Yekaterinburg describes monuments, urban facilities, trade and service sectors, scientific institutions and universities, significant all-Russian events that took place in the city (INNOPROM, SCO Summit, etc.).

The network encyclopedia of Yekaterinburg describes monuments, urban facilities, trade and service sectors, scientific institutions and universities, significant all-Russian events that took place in the city (INNOPROM, SCO Summit, etc.).

The electronic edition contains factual information about UrFU.


1. Ural State Technical University // Encyclopedia of Yekaterinburg. - 2009. - Access mode:
2. Ural State University named after A. M. Gorky // Encyclopedia of Yekaterinburg. - 2009. - Access mode:

The specialized scientific and reference edition "Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia" reflects the key aspects of the development of Siberia from ancient times to the present. The subject matter of the publication includes information about the history, ethnic processes, economic, social, confessional, cultural aspects of the life of the region. Special attention is paid to science and higher education, the formation and development of scientific potential, scientific centers and complexes of Siberia, the largest higher educational institutions, leading scientists and organizers of science. It is noteworthy that the history of the Ural universities is reflected in the pages of this publication.


1. Ural State Technical University - Ural Polytechnic Institute / Yu. I. Uzbekova // Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia: in 3 volumes / Institute of History SB RAS. - Novosibirsk : Hist. heritage of Siberia, 2009. - Access mode:–_URAL_POLYTECHNICAL_INSTITUTE.
2. Ural State University / Yu. I. Uzbekova // Historical Encyclopedia of Siberia: in 3 volumes / Institute of History SB RAS. - Novosibirsk : Hist. heritage of Siberia, 2009. - Access mode:

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